We want pictures

Landscape Escape

We want pictures. We are saturated with this desire. The ad moguls want us to direct that passion towards their clients' commodities.

Once in a while, though, we find evidence of another kind of wanting.

Delivering some more of the endless paperwork that the educatioal beurocracy demands, I cross paths with a kindred soul, and stumble on a sign of the power of pictures. This way has recently been marked. I am not alone.

Out here, in here, through here, picture-makers travel together. This is the gut of what I hope we're doing together this term: photography is a way to pay attention to our lives, our desires.

Egg picnic

We also want eggs, deviled eggs. At least, I do. Especially at a picnic on a warm day with friends and blankets and folding camp chairs, comfortable in the sun. With sangria, too. And cold white wine.

But, summer is over. It's rainy in New York. Time to get to work! See you in class.


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