
Showing posts from September 26, 2009

Terrible News

I've arrived home to terrible news. After 12 days in China I didn't expect this. Over the summer I was away for 2 weeks at one point and my persimmon didn't look this bad. I'm very sad and disappointed. I have no idea what to do. Hiroshi wrote: If you water too much, the root can rot, so let's wait till the soil dries and hopefully the sprout can recover. Nature is strong, so let's see what will happen. Watering too much more than needed is always not a good idea. I always make sure to touch the soil before watering, so when it is completely dry, then I water. Sometimes, I dig my finger to see if there is any moisture, if inside of the soil is moist, then you do not need to water for couple of more days. Try this. I cross my fingers, HS Me too.