
Wet Paint (obviously)

We're done for summer. Time for a break. I'm headed to Toronto tomorrow with the family. Got to clear the storm in front of the maelstrom coming.

So here's the thing -- can a photograph touch? Can you make a photograph that touches?

What do you feel when you see wet paint? I've got to scrape my fingers across the surface to check it out. I know it's cliché. But...this simple sign makes me touch.

Can a photograph feel that way? This is what we talked about this summer in the China workshop and in the two introductory photo workshops back here at ICP. And, seriously, this is what I'm talking about in class this, if you're working with me, get ready for that conversation.

I don't know if it's possible, really, but I want pictures that make me fly. Ah. Naive. Yes.



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