Wake up Beijing!

Beijing Arrival-1

4:30 am. Time to get up and start shaking off the jet-lag.

Breakfast downstairs starts at 6:00. I'm using the quiet fuzzy hours to enable the proxy server so I can keep posting.

In a bit, or so, I'll get together with Songzi, my friend, a script writer who works with foreign movie productions here in Beijing, to go over the plans for the coming weeks. She's helping me arrange transportation and other logistics for the workshop.

Then, off to Three Shadows to compare notes with Isabelle and say hi to Rong Rong and inri. Can't wait to get my feet on the ground.

The workshop blog is Beijing2010, as I noted in a earlier post. Please check it out and follow along.

Outside my smudged hotel window, the early morning sky looks promising. Bright sunrise reflects off the buildings in the distance and wispy clouds show the blue above.

Time now to get some breakfast and that first cup of Chinese coffee.


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