Atmosphere Sensitivity

Shoe store, NYC 
Shoe store, NYC, June 2010

Waiting to see Toy Story 3 there's time for a quick browse in DSW with Diana. They have strange windows in that store.

Yesterday we chatted about impatience with the act of photography. The single-minded ego that simply points the camera will often make pictures that feel flat and one-dimensional.

But I want to work against the simple already-seen of our commodity world. I don't want to exacerbate the isolation and the loneliness that the rush and fuss for more stuff creates.

I don't know how to do that.

I'm working now on simply seeing, though seeing isn't simple.

On certain days I'm back to pointing the lens at the shared world. The world of stuff.

Radically, I want to question the value of being present to these atmospheric changes.

Is this something? Can we visualize a different kind of sensitivity? Can we do it with a camera?


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