Backyard pictures

Geometry in winter
Walking with Connor. We get to the top of the hill. Saturday. At home on Staten Island.

Last week we worked on technology and a lot of different names of stuff. This week we'll do it some more. As always, we'll keep looking at pictures.

And as I've said and will say again: right now is not the hardest part. Right now the tech of this stuff feels difficult (there are so any different buttons!), and learning what everything is called takes a lot of time (and it's tough to ask a question if we don't speak the same language!)...

...but soon you'll have crested this learning curve (you'll have memorized the buttons and the names of things), and then the truly difficult part of being a photographer will begin.

That's right -- you have to keep taking pictures. Sometimes you have to force yourself, in fact. Even if you're not "in the mood" or if "there's nothing to photograph at home"...take your camera with you and just keep looking through that viewfinder, and make yourself trip the shutter.

Let go of that nagging need to be inspired and excited. Pay attention to the quiet in-between your breathing. There's no such thing as a good picture. Mark the moments one at a time. Give yourself a break and maybe don't try so hard.

You'll be okay. You're learning to trust yourself every time you look a little closer.

Nothing to celebrate
Shopping with Diana. We get out of the car. Staten Island.


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