Moving and Picturing It

Yes, it's been a month-long absence. This photo tells the story to some extent. I've been moving boxes around. My back hurts.

Tonight at ICP we begin another round of learning how to move pixels around using Photoshop and other digital imaging tools. I don't know which kind of moving I prefer; my back hurts with both, though in different ways.

The mornings begin with water and the evenings end with it. After living in Brooklyn for what feels like a very long time (I first moved there in 1983), I'm now in Staten Island, the harbor borough, the forested borough, the quiet borough. From my porch I'm looking at roof tops and trees, and listening to birds. It's going to be an adjustment, but I think I like it already.

Let's get the pictures going again. There's lots of new stuff to pay attention to now.


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